I Did It List – A New Tool

Recently I saw another intriguing tool called the “I Did It” list. You know I love my lists! This tool was to help someone feel like they had accomplished something – in the day, or week, or month.  You were encouraged to not just focus on the big milestones, but the little things you got done. Not necessarily achieving some grand life purpose nor some major bucket list check off.  But the little things in life, even if it was just getting up and making your bed.

I’ve been feeling a bit like I’m not accomplishing much. Yes, the dreaded Compare & Despair is back with too much, “look what amazing thing she’s doing” thinking. I’ve also realized I don’t celebrate things. I often even let the big milestones just pass by without a ripple. So, this year I added a monthly “I Did It” list creation to my calendar.  A moment to stop and celebrate the little things.To appreciate where I live and to acknowledge I am living the life I want to be living. And to take a moment to remember, I am accomplishing a lot, every day, every week, every month.

While I don’t usually follow blogging prompts, I do often read and enjoy the monthly round-up or quarterly “taking stock” or “What’s on my Calendar” posts from fellow bloggers. So, I’m going to share a bit of my February “I Did It” items, a monthly round-up in a way..

I looked back at my calendar, my daily gratitude list, my new experiences list, my books read list, and even my blog posts!  In case you missed them, February was quite an eclectic set – from a chakra refresh to thinking about habit formation in retirement.

I wanted my “I Did It” List to capture the things I felt proud of and the little moments of joy. February had a number of moments of that elusive feeling of belonging (book club, garden club, neighborhood gathering) or quiet smiles of joy (amazing sunrises, dates with hubby).  There were a few days where the accomplishment was simply “I made it through” (anniversary of my mom’s death, head cold leaving me feeling drained). The OMG moment of the month – my first ever duck-in-the-wild (it’s a Jeep thing).

I was happy to see that I do have a combination of the routine, regular stuff and the new experiences (as I mentioned in a recent blog post – link here). I’m still loving my cardio drumming and even led a few classes this month! My favorite new thing of the month was a Lightening Hockey game (date night).   

I can now understand why my fellow bloggers like to do their monthly wrap-ups.  Mine helped me see that I am living the retirement lifestyle I envisioned. I am active. I am connected. [I’ve even been invited to a few things I did not plan!] I am being creative (dabbling in crafs) and contemplative (latest rabbit hole was relooking at being my authentic self.) My “I Did It” look back helped me feel less Compare & Despair and more, “Yeah, this is my life and it’s pretty darn good”.

Do you do any sort of monthly review or look back?

Picture Credit: A calm sunrise this week.

Copyright © 2024 retirementtransition.blog – All rights reserved.

12 thoughts on “I Did It List – A New Tool

  1. I retired 4.5 years ago. My 2nd knee replacement was 2.5y ago. Beginning at 6m post-op my goal was my active health. I started walking and let go 20#. Beginning year 2 of that goal, I added gym workout classes 3-5/week, walking and more attunement to “am I hungry, am I full”. I let go another 21# and had 2,000,000 steps on my tracker and walked as much as 10.5 miles in a day. In January I began year #3. I’m currently 44.5# gone and my goal this year is 3,000,000 steps. I posted that goal on my FB page for accountability. At the end of each month I post progress toward that goal. I had a sedentary visitor (who thinks she is active and healthy-go figure) for 14d so I am a bit shy of the February goal but no biggie. She left the house once for some walking not even going to walk around the grocery store with me a few times-where is the OMG face when you need it?! I am only short 1272 steps despite her long stay and I know there will be many many long walks when it’s warmer weather!

    I share all the detail as SharonArtistic above spoke of her health to age with enjoyment.

    I’m a quilter and track my sewing/finishing/donating. I’m a reader and maintain a booklist as well. And travel-I’m having a fantastic time visiting family/friends who’ve moved across the US as well as new-to-me locations and experiences. 

    I retired to do “what I want, when I want”. I’m doing FANTASTIC! And I’m happy to be here just shy of my 63rd birthday 🙂

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    1. Elle, FANTASTIC is right. I love your walking goals. I’ve never gotten into daily walking. I do walk the beach on an irregular basis and when I do it’s about 3 miles. My steps more likely come in my cardio or Zumba classes. I do try and bike places locally – library, post office, cardio class. I’ve only dropped about 8#… mostly because I have not learned the “only eat when you’re hungry” mode. That’s certainly something for me to work on!


  2. Hi, Pat – Thank you for joining us for ‘What’s Been on Your Calendar.’ Like Jo, I hadn’t realized that this link up actually is an ‘I Did It List.’ That helps me approach this from a whole new perspective. Thank you! ❤

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    1. Donna, For me it’s a bit different than the way I took the “what’s on your calendar?” Maybe it’s just a mindset. I’m trying to use it to celebrate, to have a feeling of accomplishment, to recognize my life is great. Very much a positivity booster. But, I am hoping to link it up with the WBOYC link-up if I write a post. I often go there to read other’s posts anyway!

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  3. You had me at the title and it took me a few minutes to realise that’s exactly what the monthly round-up is, an I Did It List. I think I’ll be looking at it more as such going forward. Thanks for linking up.

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    1. Jo, It’s giving me a moment each month to celebrate the little things I’m doing. To acknowledge my life is pretty darn good. To have a feeling of accomplishment, even if I’m not achieving any major goal. All positive things!

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  4. I don’t do any formal review of my months. I sometimes think back to what I was doing a year ago during a particular month, and take stock of what is different now. I tend to think more forward, about what is to come, than to muse backwards.

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    1. Ally, I realized recently I’m not thinking forward at all. Fascinating that you only look that way. I’ve always been a fan of reviews – I like the “look back at this month a year ago” idea. 

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  5. Hi Pat, I’ve been participating in the prompt “What’s Been on Your Calendar” for the past year and it’s really helped me see that I’m not as ‘lazy’ as I thought I was being (we’re always so hard on ourselves!). When I start to drop into the thinking of ‘I should be doing more’, I stop and tell myself “This is what you worked 43 years for – to be able to do (or not do) whatever you want”. That usually snaps me out of it. The only thing I’m pushing myself to do right now is get healthy, I know I can’t enjoy my retirement years if I can’t be independent, so that’s priority number one!

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    1. Sharon, Getting healthy is a wonderful goal to have! Being active was and is one of my key things on my calendar. I feel better when I’ve done my cardio! Unfortunately, I still need some work on the eating healthy. I snack too much, and love carbs. Maybe I should start participating in some way with the “what’s on your plate?” and make it healthy!

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  6. Hi Pat – I’ve moved from an end of month wrap-up to a seasonal one this year. I like you “I did it” list and the idea that you’re being positive and acknowledging the good things that you’ve been part of for the month. Compare and despair is a killer and I’m getting better at steering clear of it – I think I finally got past “I’ll have what she’s having” because I’m truly happy with this lovely life I have (and it sounds like you’ve arrived at the same point). Life is very, very good.

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    1. Leanne, Like you, I’m getting better at recognizing the Compare & Despair, but it still filters into my mind! It’s another reason I’m doing the monthly “I did it” little celebration – to quiet that voice. And I’m trying not to compare myself to you and your success in stifling the voice! :-)


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