Follow the Synchronicity

It is often amazing to me when synchronicity happens.  Of course, the first time a message is coming at me, it is easy to ignore. The second occurrence, I wonder, “Is that a message coming through?” By the third time, I have to follow it down the rabbit hole!  Such was the case on chakras recently.

I have explored chakras in the past, delving deep into the meaning of each, how to work on balancing them or unblocking them.  I’ve had my chakras “read” multiple times, by different empaths and intuitives. I’ve intentionally worked on unblocking certain chakras that were pointed out to me as being out of balance, which made perfect sense as I read more on how you and your body will feel if a chakra is blocked or out of balance. 

My recent coincidence of reading about specific shadows linked to chakras and then being handed a book on chakra’s as a thank you gift from a friend meant I followed this synchronicity down the rabbit hole with only two messages from the Universe!

Definition of synchronicity: the simultaneous occurrence of events, which appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection.

These recent messages on chakras seemed to ask, “What am I doing now, everyday, to keep my chakra’s balanced?”  So that is where I took it. I also wanted to identify what negative tendency I had (my specific shadow), so that I could use an activity associated with that chakra when I became aware of that negative spiral starting.  I just had too many negative spirals last year! 

Here’s a look at some of my chakra thinking from following this synchronicity down a multi-day rabbit hole:

The root chakra is linked to the earth, the physical body, and about feeling grounded and secure. My shadow for the root chakra is the feeling of non-belonging. Getting my hands in the earth/dirt with gardening is something I do regularly and could boost if (when?) that feeling of non-belonging spirals.

The sacral chakra is linked to water and about feeling sensual, playful, and creative. It is about flow and passion. My shadow here for years was my addiction to work (being a workaholic).  Currently, my shadow linked to this chakra is my need for external validation.  This shadow doesn’t ebb and flow, like my feeling on belonging; it is always there. My work on practicing positivity (link here- A Look at Habits  – posted Nov 27 2023) is definitely in the right area for working on this blocked chakra.  I need to find ways to add more sensuality and play to my life. And drink more water!

The solar plexus chakra is linked to fire, the sun and warmth. It is about personal power and self-confidence; having the confidence to take action and manifest your dreams.  My perfectionist and worrier tendencies definitely link to this chakra. I certainly don’t need to worry (no pun intended) about warmth and sunshine living in Florida! However, continuing to be aware of my emotional triggers, the perceived expectations I hear, and my inner critical voice are ways to keep this chakra in balance for me.

The heart chakra is linked to air and breath; it is the center of love, compassion and empathy.  “Love with every breath you take.”  I was surprised that I didn’t relate to any of the shadow tendencies linked to this chakra, as I often feel challenged with being a good friend and a good wife. My daily gratitude journaling is a key activity for this chakra. I will also continue to work on compassion (non-judgment), acceptance, and forgiveness.

The throat chakra is linked to sound and both speaking and listening. This chakra is about communication and expression. Recently an intuitive mentioned my throat chakra was out of balance because I was not voicing my authentic self.  My shadow tendency here is also the critical voice of judgment. It was fascinating to see that an activity for balance here was not writing (my normal means of expression!), but adding more sound to my life – playing music in the home, singing out loud.  Car singing is my newest planned activity!

The third eye chakra is linked to light, the duality of the world, and your sixth sense.  It is intuition, clarity in perception, and mindfulness.  Of course, my shadow tendency here is over-thinking!  The balancing tools are noticing synchronicity (yes, hence this post), exploring things you are curious about, keeping a dream journal, and linking the rational with the intuitive. While I don’t have any problem following a path on things I am curious about, I will be reactivating “how to activate my intuition” (Link here May 2022).

I will be actively working on the 6 chakras above before attempting anything with the 7th crown chakra.  It was fascinating recognizing the link of my shadow tendencies to the chakras and to also know I was doing some things already on a daily basis to keep myself in balance.

Have you explored chakras?  Or followed a curious synchronicity down a rabbit hole lately?

Image: Pixabay

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10 thoughts on “Follow the Synchronicity

  1. I studied chakras when I was taking Reiki classes. They are a fascinating way to assess what’s going on within a person and find your balance in life. Plus a fun way to envision colors/energy pulsing through you. Thanks for the refresher course here.

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    1. Bernie – My dreams are also disjointed and weird! Of course, I can barely remember them by the time I pull out my journal. I’m not sure how to remember more – I usually just get 2-3 lines and that’s it! I’ve not done much analysis of them – just once or twice googled, “what does this dream thing mean”. And often, dead on what I’m dealing with!


  2. I connect to so much you write about! I know of chakras have explored them briefly but never in great detail. I believe they, just like my astrology, can lead me to a greater understanding of myself. According to the stars, this is my year for that! Looking forward to hearing more!

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    1. Nancy, There is quite a lot of good stuff on line on Chakras and hundreds of books. I’d recommend to start with some things on line. I know I’ve read over 10 sites (plus 4 books) to synthesize my learning about them. Below are a few sites I noted down, so that must mean I liked them a lot! when looking into balancing /un blocking, you need to decide what approach you’ll take – essential oils, stones, yoga asanas, etc. I’m into stones!

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