Intention versus Real Habit Formation

I recently attended a work-related conference.   I can hear folks now… What? Aren’t you retired?   But retirement doesn't mean that I’m not still working part-time, consulting in my field of expertise. And the fact was the conference was right here in town, less than 6 miles from my house, and very much related to my … Continue reading Intention versus Real Habit Formation

Old Acquaintances/Old Memories

In the past 2 weeks, I’ve run into 2 old acquaintances. Over 20 years ago, both of these women were integral parts of my life.   But over time, we lost touch and we don't even exchange Christmas cards any more. We’re not even Facebook friends. It raises the question for me, why did the Universe … Continue reading Old Acquaintances/Old Memories

Refine My Plan – Relook at my Possibilities List

Recently a blogger posed the question: What thing(s) would you really regret not checking off your bucket list? It made me go: Hmmm. I am a planner. I have an action plan and check lists and daily/weekly calendars. Not everyone needs this, but for me, it keeps me balanced. I’m a worrier; I wake up … Continue reading Refine My Plan – Relook at my Possibilities List

De-Clutter & the Big Move

This is a blog about when you realize you and your significant other have significant differences in life vision for retirement. One significant difference has to do with stuff. He firmly believes: he with the most stuff at the end wins. While he is not a true hoarder, he is definitely a packrat. I’m not … Continue reading De-Clutter & the Big Move