About Me

* Synthesizer * Mid-life Blogger * Foodie * List Maker*

Retirement Life is a Series of Transitions

When I began this blog, back in 2015, I had recently discovered a joy of writing and was in the midst of figuring out what retirement was all about. My early retirement was a few years earlier than planned and given that timing and my work-focused life style, I had done no planning on what came next.   What was this thing called retirement and how do I transition to it?

I’ve learned that there is no one-type-fits-all retirement vision and that retirement, like life, is a series of transitions – some small and some big.   Along my own journey of transition, I created a “how-to” process. It’s based on Design Thinking, has lots of cool tools to help with figuring out what your unique retirement lifestyle could be, and I published it – my book is still available on Amazon (also called Retirement TransitionAmazon.com). I am still using many of these tools as I continue my on-going retirement journey.

My blog continues to share my own retirement journey. Paths are a significant symbolic component of my journey and therefore, my blog photo (taken by me on a hike in Alaska) is a representation of the Robert Frost poem reference of two paths diverged in a wood.  What path am I taking in every life transition?

I continue to learn how-to move from a workaholic lifestyle to the retirement lifestyle I’ve envisioned, balancing do-ing and be-ing and shifting self-limiting beliefs. My love of synthesis means I often summarize and share the things I am interested in – from putting Positive Psychology into practice to forays into Feng Shui or Enneagram.

I currently completed a Big Transition with a move from the Mid-west (Cincinnati) where I lived for 35 years to the Gulf Coast of Florida (St Petersburg). Along with my also-retired husband and our Lab-mix dog, Taylor, we love the outdoor lifestyle this area offers. 

With this blog, I hope to connect with others on a similar midlife transition journey from full-time career to what comes next.

book cover
My Book – available on Amazon or B&N on-line
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My professional photo… one of a few without sunglasses and a ponytail/hat!

And the biggest reason for our move – our sunrise and sunset views!

Updated June 2021

17 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Hi Pat, I just came across your blog. I too am preparing for early retirement next year (eeeek!!!) and also took the Positive Psychology certificate program you are referencing here. The ‘joy multiplier” concept was one of the biggest (and easiest) take aways for me, it REALLY resonated. Thanks for summarizing the module, enough time has passed that it is a good refresher! All the best!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Pat,
    Thanks for following my blog…it looks like we have a lot in common in our mutual transitioning to this new retirement reality! Looking forward to reading more of your adventures.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Pat, I found your site via the comment that you made on Kathy Merlino’s site. I am a work-at-home mom (i.e., middle age housewife) who draws a lot of inspiration from ladies who are a bit older than myself.

    I mean, I think I can learn so much from your insight, since you’ve already been down my path.

    Keep up the good work, and please let me know if you’d like to know more about freelance writing…which is what I do when I’m not being wife/mom.



  4. I saw your interview with Maddy. She interviewed us last week. We are former “workaholics” who also struggled with having fun! We’ve transitioned into full-time RVers. There are a lot of couples like you two, young and healthy with a dog, who travel, sightsee and enjoy life….and some even make $$$$ with their writing skills. I’ve “reblogged” a few on our site.
    Drop in and have a look around!


  5. Pat, I look forward to how a successful research expert like yourself will enlighten and inspire those of us who aren’t being as thorough or systemic. Great work so far.


  6. ok, here’s a spot for a reply! More connections: my hubby is also retired and we have a 3 yr. old lab. And, all of our interests and focus are the same! Welcome to blog land, remember that Oprah says it is very therapeutic to write, and if nothing else, will keep the brain going!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Pat, it sounds as if we have a lot in common! And although I am not a mid-westerner, I married one (from Middletown, OH). I have also launched a freelance writing business, Cypress Business Communications, Inc. If you ever want to chat about any of this transition stuff and compare notes, I am happy to. My direct email is leigh@cypressbizcomm.com. All the best!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I will connect with you direct. I am intrigued with “freelance writing business”. I would love to talk more about transition also. I am actually at my 12 month mark, and still in transition.

        Liked by 1 person

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