New Experience – Exploring Tarot

Asking the Universe for guidance, listening for Spirit Guides, carrying crystals, understanding my chakras, reading Tarot cards. It’s not that I don’t not believe in these things. (Oh, the double negative of that sentence…terrible grammar!) I find it fascinating.  So I’m continuing to explore and recently delved into a Tarot card reading and an Intuitive Reading.

“Tarot Reading is an art based on intuition, interpretation, and perception.” – Nikita Dudani

I read the Tarot Handbook by Angeles Arrien and did a seasonal Tarot reading for myself. I do believe that a personal Tarot reading can help you crystalize (no pun intended) your thoughts, since you can interpret the cards in a few different ways, allowing for your unconscious to sneak out.  So what did my reading help crystalize?

  • It highlighted “success” and made me question, what do I want to be successful at? The first thing that came to mind: publishing my book. Wow. This has been on my “to do” for 3 years. So maybe now is the time to put in the time and energy and do the step by step to make it a reality.
  • It highlighted change is happening and being aware of my limits. This is a true statement for everyone, but lots of changes have happened in the past year for me. This aspect of the reading brought in the 4 elements in the cards, but made me think about water and emotional fluidity and body image. I’ve started to wonder if I’m hydrating enough, and I know I have some body image issues as a result of the cancer treatment.
  • In the action component of this Tarot reading it indicated to trust my intuition and implement what’s in my heart. It encouraged me to let go, to not wallow in negativity, and move forward when the time was right.

As a result of the Tarot reading, I decided: I will deal with the post-cancer body changes, I will put publishing exploration on my Summer Bucket list, and I will continue to practice positivity. It also sparked an interest in getting a “real” Tarot card reading, which led me to a reading with an Intuitive Reader recommended by a friend.

This tarot-card lead Intuitive Session was mind opening. Either this Intuitive Reader really did sense the spirits, or he is an amazingly empathetic conversationalist.  But the elements that showed up in the cards created a number of aha moments for me.  1) I’ve still got a lot of resentment and anger about one of my life situations. This is just holding me back.  I need to release the resentment for my own sake.  2) I am not moving toward the future because hubby & I are not on the same page about what that future looks like and so I’m not allowing the future to manifest. 3) I have a deeply held fear of absolute freedom.   This is a tough one to articulate, but it’s real and has come up in some other explorations of deep beliefs that are holding me back.  I definitely need to explore it more.

The Intuitive Tarot session identified for me insight into deeply held emotions and beliefs that might be holding me back from living the life I’ve envisioned. Throughout the reading there was the sense of still being in transition, needing to let go of past things, putting down new roots, and creating a (creative expression) space of my own. It was intriguing to hear I was still in a major transition!

Using the Tarot cards and doing an Intuitive Reading were interesting approaches to self-reflection and I will try both again.

Have you explored Tarot and if so, what does it help you with?


44 thoughts on “New Experience – Exploring Tarot

  1. That Aha Moment #3 – “I have a deeply held fear of absolute freedom” – is a lightbulb moment for me! In fact, I took a screenshot of it and keep mulling it over in my head. I really have to start doing some soul searching.

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  2. I use tarot and crystals more as a form of meditation. Draw a card/pick a crystal – think of what the card/crystal represents and think if that area of my life is going ok or needs improvement. The self reflection goal is to be sure I’m living the best life possible and also feeling grateful for it. Sometimes I carry a crystal in my bag to help me remember the thought – it works, since when I find it in my bag, I remember the thought! Having a deck/book has also helped my understanding (i have the Rider deck). I haven’t had a formal reading but appreciate your thoughts on the experience.


    1. I have not done much formal Tarot readings but I enjoy doing my own reflection. I plan on doing a solstice reading tomorrow. I use the Thoth deck, mostly because I like the book I have that goes with it that explains each card. I spent some time on learning Chakras and tend to use crystals linked to the chakra I feel needs unblocking. Right now, that means I’ve got on my Amazonite bracelet and citrine earrings.


  3. Being a hard-core physical scientist, I have always looked askance at things like Tarot cards, crystals and other new-age practices and trappings. That said, I have been known to explain a really wayward putt as being the result of an inverted pyramid buried under the green. Ha ha.

    To be fair, I have never explored any of those things in a serious way. I will agree with your suggestion that some of the practitioners are highly empathetic and very good at “reading” people. I think the ability to have almost instantaneous insight into an individual’s persona is an inborn gift that not everyone has or at least not everyone cultivates.

    I do believe that gaining greater insight into one’s beliefs and motivations and subconscious emotions is valid and helpful to leading a fulfilled life and if a practice like Tarot helps you with that objective, why not try it? I still think it’s a good idea to have a little healthy skepticism, but if you engage in more than one reading with different practitioners that come to the same conclusion, maybe you could at least feel as though they have confirmed each other’s empathic insights. (That’s the scientist in me looking for results to be replicated. 😉)

    Good luck in your quest and publish that book, will you?!!

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    1. Oh yes, I do look for replication – you cannot take the scientist out of the girl totally. Three times the charm right.

      Ok, I hear you about the book. Wish I could understand what’s holding me back!


  4. I’ve often toyed with the idea of using Tarot cards as journaling prompts, which I’m sure would leave me to self-reflection. There are so many different decks of cards to choose from though… any suggestions?

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    1. I am using: Thoth Tarot Deck (Cards) and The Tarot Handbook by Angeles Arrien. The book has been very helpful in understanding the different cards. This deck/book was recommended to me by Karen at Profound Journey.

      Also highly recommended by some others: The Rider Tarot Deck (cards) and The Ultimate Guide to the Rider Waite Tarot by Johannes Fiebig. This deck is considered the gold standard of decks and I might get it if I continue to explore this area of self reflection.

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  5. I don’t have any experience with tarot cards, Pat, but I’m all for anything that opens your mind and intuition to discover more about yourself and to get moving toward your goals. As you know, I am also in the home stretch of publishing a book–either traditionally or by myself. I’m not sure yet. We’re in this together and I can’t wait to see where your research takes you.

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  6. Hi Pat – I’m not a Tarot card person – I think it conflicts too much with my Christian beliefs for me to be comfortable with the idea (like ouji boards and seances) but I do appreciate that others find them useful for stimulating their thinking and clarifying subconscious questions. I’m glad you had a positive experience (it reminded me of Karen from Profound Journey’s thoughts about her tarot card reading). #MLSTL 🙂

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    1. Leanne – I love that you are open to others beliefs. I’m that way as well. I was a bit worried in fact of talking about Tarot here because I know many of my readers are strong in their Christian beliefs. And I admire that. And yes, it was Karen’s experience that nudged me to look into it. I had explored some of the other aspects a while back and Tarot seemed intriguing. I think I viewed it more like a vision board…allowing a bit of access to my subconscious thoughts. And yes, it was a positive experience I’d do again. [unlike zip lining which was a positive experience I wouldn’t do again. :-)]


  7. It is great to hear of folk getting positive help and looking forward to growing and expanding their lives. For me, I tend not to inquire of the universe, I find my way by tapping into the wisdom of the creator.

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  8. I’m an astrologer – not so much re the whole what will happen today, but how to make the most of what you have and deal with the challenges you’re presented with. One of my besties – who is a no nonsense scientist – has been into tarot for years and we often get together and faff about with each others cards. It’s not so much a what will happen thing, but a what do I need to know/learn about/from this.

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    1. Jo, that is exactly how I viewed both things – my personal tarot and the Intuitive session – what do I need to know/learn from this. I’ve started to look at astrology a bit as well. At least recognizing new and full moons and what each “means” in the astrological sense and how that might relate to where I am at in my development. Another one that helps me thing about what do I need to know/learn. Perhaps the next one will help me identify some steps forward on release of resentment or understanding freedom!


      1. Pat, one thing I do each month is use the New Moon for personal goal-setting on whatever part of life that New Moon is falling in my chart – it’s relatively easy once you get an idea of what the signs mean. The theory is that by the end of the year you’ve made little changes to every part of life. I blog each one at my astro site with a “doing it for yourself” guide. If you want your chart, email me at and I’ll send it to you.

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  9. My wife is a professional psychic, though interestingly only does tarot for herself and not her clients. I think this is mostly due to time constraints and using her gifts for direct channels with Spirit, but I also admit to being clueless about so much of this. Nonetheless, I’m always amazed at how the pseudo-sciences work. Good for you in looking into this and finding some answers for yourself. – Marty

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    1. Marty – Wow. I didn’t know that about Gorgeous. An amazing talent that I don’t quite grasp how it all works. Good to know you’re also clueless about it and live much closer to it. And yes, I am also amazed at how these things work… although someday I do believe it will all be real-science.

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  10. I have never been interested in Tarot, crystals, or chakras, but I also won’t discount what others gain from these experiences. I think the three areas you discovered through your latest reading: letting go of resentments, not fully embracing the future, and fear of absolute freedom are things just about all of us can relate to. You excel at introspection and creating a path forward for yourself so I look forward to learning more about what you do with these insights.

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  11. Hi Pat,

    I agree with Sue and yourself about the fear of freedom. I have felt at several points in my life that I was subconsciously tying myself down with various responsibilities precisely to limit my freedom and prevent/delay taking needed action. And I see others doing this too, distracting themselves with work or causes or other peoples’ business (!) to avoid digging deeper into something of their own that needs it! A common human trait. I use the Tarot to help me sort through my mind’s incessant chatter and try to get to what really matters. I like it for that.


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    1. Thanks Deb. The images I have about “tying myself down” are both positive – a kite held by a sting soars on the wind to great heights, and negative – shackles. I think I need to work through what freedom means to me. Karen H said to me that in order to go outside the box, I need to know where my box is. I also took that to… to color outside the lines, I need to know where the lines are! What is freedom for a just-past-middle-age, early-retired, upper-middle class, recovering workaholic, married woman? That is the $64,000 question!

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    1. Donna, Thank you. The encouragement I’m getting from blogging buddies is what is making me work on the book. Because my inner voice is definitely trying to block me. And I am also working on letting go of resentment. Another challenging task, since the resentment has been there long time and is, I’ve realized, part of my persona. As we all say, I’m definitely a work in progress!

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  12. It seems that you and I are on the same page with this one, Pat. I’ve had 2 tarot readings this year – the first in over 30 years. They were 7 months apart by 2 different people and the message was virtually identical – I’m going to make a very major life-changing decision.

    The tarot is very interesting and I learned a long time ago not to reject something just because I don’t understand it. The problem I find though is that the message often doesn’t really make sense except in hindsight. I’ve given up trying to determine what exactly I’m supposed to do with the information. Someday I will simply look back and say ‘aha – that’s what it meant’ 🙂

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    1. Joanne, It’s surprising to me (not sure why), how many folks have explored Tarot, Intuitive readings, and/or a Psychic. There was a message in mine this time also about something major happening between now and April. He even referred to it as an epiphany! Maybe both of us will be saying next year…. that’s what it meant! Or else, it’s a standard message to women of a certain age. That is what one friend said to me. But as Janet pointed out blow, this is merely a tool to help us become aware of our subconscious. Perhaps we both want something life-changing to occur!


      1. As with anything in life, we can make this whatever we want it to be – a sham, or great insight. I think there are enough mysteries in the world of things we don’t understand that we shouldn’t reject this outright. I do however like the thinking of tarot as tool to ferret out the thoughts that are otherwise buried.

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  13. Pat,
    Thank you for sharing your experience with the Tarot card readings and your interpretation on what the readings meant.
    I have been wanting to try them or at least have a reading but hesitated because I want someone genuine to perform the reading.
    Looking forward to seeing you in the near future.
    Definitely let that anger go and you’ll be amazed how things begin to fall in to place.

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    1. Terri, Ask around for folks who have done it and there reactions, recommendations. That’s how I found the person I went to… highly recommended by a friend. I am positive that there are lots of folks in the area who do this!

      And we can chat about letting go of anger when we walk. I am positive you’ll have some great advice for me on this one! See you soon.


  14. Pat – I’ve not explored Tarot but I do find it interesting how often these different techniques for tapping into our subconscious begin to reveal similar awareness and truths about ourselves – as you shared. I encourage you in your thoughts on publishing for sure – and always, I encourage letting go of resentment. Thanks for sharing your insights and encouraging others to explore our sub/unconscious urgings.

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    1. Janet – Exactly! Different techniques for tapping into the subconscious. The first step is always awareness. However, the second step of doing is also challenging. Working on that as well. Thanks for the encouragement.

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  15. Hi Pat! I’ve never had a tarot reading or even tried to do one myself. It is certainly interesting to read your thoughts on the subject and I was very interested in point 3 – your absolute fear of freedom. It made me think, and I believe many of us feel that way. We have lived our lives for others, working in careers etc and now that there is a chance of freedom it is difficult to adapt to. I enjoyed reading about your tarot experience, and I’m inclined to try it myself. Have a beautiful week, my friend xx

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    1. Sue, I like how you phrase it … hard to adapt to freedom. I am going to continue to explore this idea of freedom as something is nudging me this might be my next aha or growth area. And I’ll continue to use Tarot to help me in self-reflection. Let me know if you want recco on book/cards. I have the one I used, plus another that was highly recommended to me but I have not purchased yet. 🙂

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      1. Sue – I replied similarly to Molly, but not sure you’d see response….

        I am using: Thoth Tarot Deck (Cards) and The Tarot Handbook by Angeles Arrien. The book has been very helpful in understanding the different cards. This deck/book was recommended to me by Karen at Profound Journey.

        Also highly recommended by some others: The Rider Tarot Deck (cards) and The Ultimate Guide to the Rider Waite Tarot by Johannes Fiebig. This deck is considered the gold standard of decks and I might get it if I continue to explore this area of self reflection.


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